View of Seattle from the southwest, across Puget Sound.
Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada, on Vancouver Island
Totem in Butchart Gardens
Hoh River rain forest in Olympic Natl. Park
Tree-hugger in Olympic Natl. Park
Nurse log in Olympic Natl. Park
Oxalis oregana in Olympic Natl. Park.  It's everywhere! 

Banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus), endemic to the Pacific coast, Alaska to California.  A decomposer and recycler, here apparently either going home from work or on a break.

We (Julia, Genevieve, and Guy) visited Seattle and vicinity in early August 2008.  Had a great time in the city, ferried across to Victoria and back, and then rented a car to see the Olympic Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean. 

A beautiful place. 

Photos by Genevieve.

Ruby Beach, part of Olympic National Park.  Huge piles of logs, magnificent stones, wonderful temperature, salty air, and an awesome and humbling view, with northeastern Asia in the far background.